Hyper Nut Surf
The Hyper Nut Surf model offers stability from a larger board and the performance of a smaller board. This surf paddle board is a newfound love in every SUP surfer’s quiver, it offers excitement to the most mediocre conditions. The short outline, thin rail and tail shape transform the performance.
INNOVATE YOUR RIDEPATENTED SHAPE TECHNOLOGYThe all-new Hyper Nut design is the 3rd evolution of this favorite compact shape that is proven to offer a skatey and reactive ride like no other. The 2022 range delivers a condensed range with subtle refinements that give you a smoother ride. The deeper tail shape combined with new fin angles give you more grip and bite through turns, while the narrower rounded nose is less likely to catch through turns. |
NEW NARROWER ROUNDED NOSELimits you catching the nose through turns and is easier to paddle out through white water. | WIDE AND SHORT NOSE OUTLINE• Increases stability and speed on the wave as you can engage the entire rail length. • Easier to pivot turn & fit into smaller sections of the waves. • Extra stability and pop when paddling out over whitewater. | THE INVERTED NUT RAILSProvide insane acceleration and a pivot point for tight turning. |
STRAIGHT OUTLINEEXTENDS THE WATERLINE • Providing speed that is comparable to a longer board. • A curved outline has less rail engaged at one time. | NEW DEEPER SWALLOW TAILGives you more bite through the turns. | NEW SLIGHT HIP TAILAct as a pivot point to drive through turns. |
THIN RAILS TOWARDS THE TAIL• Easier to engage the rail on the wave with less foot pressure. • As the Hyper Nut has such a wide tail it is essential for rail thickness to be responsive in turns. | FLAT STANDING AREAAdds stability and makes for easy rail-to-rail transitions. | FLAT ROCKERProduces speed, helps get into waves easily and adds stability. |
CHANNEL BOTTOM SHAPE• Pro rocker down the center of the board for tight pocket turning. • Creates a flat spot in front of the fins for extra acceleration. | NEW FIN ANGLESThe front fins have more angle helping you to engage earlier and have more grip on the wave, while the rear fins are straighter giving you more drive and speed | FIN SET UP• 3.7 rear side fins make it much easier to slide the tail for more radical turns with less effort. • Quad fin set up uses 4 side fins and gives fast acceleration and instant down the line speed as it does not have a drag from a centre fin. |
NEW SELF-VENTILATING VALVEA self-ventilating air valve is available on the board. This valve is self-ventilating so, it should not be touched or removed – otherwise, you are at risk of damaging the valve system. |
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